PK, Controversy, Religious Secularism
Watched PK last weekend, in a movie hall. Pun intended:)
Apart from a well made movie, as always, RKH leaves a message for all of us to ponder.
We, Indians, take pride in being largest democracy with diverse group of people including sizable population of all major religious groups. However, there comes time when people, especially outside the country question the basic principal India was built on, Religious Secularism.
In fact, I being away from the country for more than 15 years do wonder, does our young understand and appreciate the cultural diversity and richness the religion bring in. I won’t call myself religious nor atheist. I do appreciate contribution of Religion in art, music and science. Alain de Botton puts this concept beautifully in his book “Religion for Atheists”. Religion has offered much more than idol worships or religious fanatism. Unfortunately, all we remember and argue about is the later.
Even, the movie talks mainly about the religion and how limited our knowledge and perceptions about religious fractions, including the one we follow. We act on impulse without understanding the purpose or need of our actions. I get the point where one visits a temple and requests for better results. It’s the faith and I strongly believe, we need a positive feel that someone is watching over you. What puzzles me is one that follows, offering milk, sweets, cash donations, objectifying the religious belief. Who started it, why we follow it, who benefits from this, is it true that God, as we know it, will offer you what you desire when you offer milk or sweets? Has anyone experienced it? If yes, what is the percentage of you getting what you want?
There was another movie, Oh My God. I think that movie, while staying clear of inter religious sentiments, addressed the issue of objectifying God pretty well. Kudos to director, writer and of course the actors.
Again I don’t call myself an atheist, I do believe the universe can’t be an accident. It is impossible for stars and planets to form, it is unlikely that all ingredient of making life will fall in place by an accident. Michio Kaku, a Japanese / American theoretical physicist calls it God of order, I agree.
Coming back to our topic, PK has stirred up quite a controversy, one of them is the movie being insensitive to religious beliefs.
However the right question is, why each religion has different meaning for simple things in life. Why wearing whites is sign of sorrow in one religion but celebration for other. Why black clothes are attire of choice for one and represent mourning in other. How does it affect a person made of same tissues, bones and blood.
Karl Marx compared religion to “Opium of masses”. Do younger generation understand the consequences of blindly supporting one religion o belief?
I am comforted, in a fact that education levels have improved, the youth is more analytical and grown more aware of the world that surrounds them. They must stay clear of making perceptions and ask questions, right questions.
Awareness is spreading, corrupts are being punished, religious extremists that corrupt the young minds must be brought to justice.